In his welcome address, the Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines,, noted that from the very beginning of the Dominican’s vocation “we are already called to be men and women of dialogue.” The bishop also told the participants that the main basis for a true dialogue is respect for human dignity, for freedom, and for each other. “Let us strive for every effort to have dialogue despite many sufferings and difficulties,” the bishop said. He noted that it is not enough to have goodwill or good intentions, because sometimes all intentions will be denied and our gestures of goodwill be refused or rejected. In his homily, the chief celebrant and Bishop Vincentius Sutikno Wisaksono of Surabaya said that to have a dialogue is actually to be aware of the prescription to suffering, because to have a dialogue at a high level of living together requires suffering.

The Dominican family (priests, brothers, sisters and laity) working for Justice, Peace and Care of Creation (JPCC) and the Journées Romaines Dominicaines (JRD) have started their Joint Conference themed “Dialogue as a way of Preaching” with an opening Mass at the Redemptor Mundi Church of Surabaya, the only parish run by the Dominicans in Indonesia, August 11, 2014.